Jenna’s Law passed the [Texas] state senate unanimously making it the first child sexual abuse prevention law in the U.S named after a survivor mandating K-12 trainings for students, all school staff, and parents.
— Jenna Quinn, child sexual abuse survivor & advocate

SCP works with the Jenna Quinn organization to advocate for states to enact Jenna's Law, a bill that mandates child sexual abuse awareness programs in schools and requires school districts to have an abuse reporting plan and offer counseling options to victims.

Since Jenna’s Law passed in Texas in 2009, thirty states have duplicated portions of their legislation from this mandate and it’s amendments

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Read the full text of Jenna's Law. Learn more.  

jenna's story

In October of this year, Jenna sat down with CBN's 700 Club to share her story and advocate for Jenna's Law. Watch the full interview below.